BUILT 関連ツイート
RT @DesignSpark_JP: 子供たちの発明アイデアを、理系ユーチューバーが本気で製品化する「Kids Invent Stuff」プロジェクト。ただいまアイデア募集中です
https://t.co/zgmNrDpOaD https://t.co/tLhucuFFn5@RSJapanMK 2018/04/03 00:10
haute [òʊt] adj. 高級な
haute cuisine n. 高級(フランス)料理店
Haute cuisine is an antiquated hierarchy built upon rules written by stupid old men.@skwordz 2018/04/03 06:26
네이버에서 나온 스마트보드 되게 유용하게 쓰일 것 같다. 파파고가 내장돼있음.
I think it will be useful to be smart board from Naver. Papago is buil… https://t.co/s98H2wkcC5@0115seon 2018/04/03 05:14
RT @shimane07: 沖縄!
House Studio Ikeijima!
Built 80 years old house!
It's the best scenery…@shimane07 2018/04/02 21:18
RT @AnneLouiseAvery: Horikiri Iris Garden is one of the oldest in Japan, with records dating back to the 15th c. It was built with raised w…
@SignoreGallus 2018/04/02 17:08
haute [òʊt] adj. 高級な
haute cuisine n. 高級(フランス)料理店
Haute cuisine is an antiquated hierarchy built upon rules written by stupid old men.@skwordz 2018/04/03 09:34